Dental Implants

Dental implants involve placing an artificial tooth into your jaw in order to hold a prosthetic tooth or bridge. Dr. Lee recommends dental implants for patients experiencing periodontal disease, an injury, or other oral issues.

Dental implants are similar to trees in their structure. The implant is the root of the tree and the top of the tree is the prosthetic tooth. Without the supporting root, there can be no tree. Without a dental implant, there is no foundation for the prosthetic tooth to sit on.

Specializing in Guided Implants

Dr. Grace Lee of Lakeview Smiles in Lakeview and Logan Square is proud to offer a more advanced version of dental implants called guided dental implants.

Your replacement tooth is designed using our software, from which Dr. Lee will decide the implant’s location and placement guide. Dr. Lee only needs optical impressions and 3D images to help her make this decision. Lastly, the implant is placed and the prosthetic tooth is placed on top of the implant.

With guided implants, the position of the implant is determined by computer software. The implant is placed precisely, with the procedure involving no incisions or stitches and produces no discomfort. We can assure that our patients walk out our door with everything they wanted in their smile and more.

What Are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

There are several advantages of dental implants, including:

  • Your prosthetic tooth will look just like a natural tooth.
  • Your jawbone will be preserved by mitigating bone resorption and deterioration.
  • After the dental implant procedure, you will be able to eat any food you desire.

How Do You Care for Dental Implants?

Caring for your new dental implants is the same as caring for your other natural teeth. Be sure to brush and floss at least twice a day and schedule regular visits with Dr. Lee to monitor your new plants. No restrictions will be given to the patient.

At Lakeview Smiles of Chicago, our patients are our number one priority. We are here to guide them through the dental implant process, ensuing a positive experience, a healthy mouth, and a beautiful smile.